Our State President's Motto - "Elks... United in Service"

Elks In Action

Elks throughout the State of New York are busy helping out their communities. Visit our New York State Elks Association Facebook page to learn more about Our great Community Initiatives and Social Activities

The Story of Elkdom

The organization first began as the "Jolly Corks", a group of artists and thespians, and was led by London born comic, singer and dancer, Charles Vivian. The Jolly Corks originally congregated for their own amusement, but when one of the Jolly Corks died leaving his wife and children alone, they decided to dedicate the group to helping the needy. On February 16, 1868, in New York City, the Jolly Corks formed the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, lead by Mr. Vivian. As social activities and benefit performances increased, the popularity of the group swept across the country. Soon, groups from other cities were requesting permission to form their own Lodges. The Elks then asked the New York State Legislature for a Charter that would allow the Grand Lodge to establish Lodges anywhere in the United States. The Charter was granted and on March 10, 1871, the founding group received the first local charter as New York Lodge No. 1. Throughout history, the spirit of the Elks is evident. During World War I, the Elks funded the first two field hospitals in France and also built a 72-room community house in Camp Sherman, Ohio. They also built a 700-bed rehabilitation hospital in Boston and raised money for the Salvation Army's frontline Canteens. The Elks continued in World War II and was one of the only civilian organizations who helped recruit construction workers and contributed books to the Merchant Marines. During the Korean conflict, the Elks donated more than 500,000 pints of blood to help wounded soldiers and also donated money for a recreation pavilion at the Navy Hospital on Guam, for casualties of the Vietnam War. Even more recently, the Elks showed their dedication during Operation Desert Storm by writing letters to help build the morale of the soldiers. And still today, the Elks of New York continue the tradition and uphold the four cardinal virtues of the Lodge....Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity Times have changed since its institution all those years ago. Now is a time when technology rules and computers set the pace, the Elks spirit of dedication to the community remains constant. The organization is dedicated to service to the community; specifically handicapped children and veterans. It sponsors community activities such as food basket donations to the needy, scholarships for high school students and many other charitable functions.

Current Events / News Updates from around the State

Interested in what is going on in the New York State Elks Association. Check out our Empire State Elk, our Facebook Page, or any of the links below. Many of our Lodges also have their own websites with information.
Please check in the specific Committee areas under "Programs" for additional information and documents pertaining to each specfic program area.

Spring Convention 2025 Reservations

The Spring Convention is May 15-18, 2025, at the Villa Roma. Join us for our Convention, informational workshops, and Installation of Officers. Reservations are due by April 4, 2025.

Reservation Form

Grand Lodge 2025 - New York State Information

Planning on attending the Grand Lodge Convention in Kansas City... watch here for information and the reservation package.

SP Tania DeFrank Homecoming - May 3

Homecoming Weekend for State President Tania DeFrank is May 3, 2024. The

Reservation Form is available. Make your plans to join SP Tania and Marren.

New York Shows Its Support For Veterans

New York State’s version of the Wall of Service! I was so moved watching everyone sign the Wall of Service in Minneapolis and wanted to mirror that enthusiasm and energy. State President Kevin’s motto this year is “Elks… Feel The Energy” and there was a sense of energy and pride when I signed the Wall of Service In Minneapolis (and helped Veteran Brett sign his branch and rank) and I wanted to carry that to our Fall Conference. I promised those signing it, that I would send ENVSC a picture of it when it was completed! I shared the NYS Wall of Service with ENVSC and they loved it!! Fraternally, Justine M. Crowley-Duncan, NYS Veterans Service Chairperson

Bunkers in Baghdad Report

Since 2016, we have given the following to Bunkers in Baghdad to support our Troops and Veterans:
Golf Clubs: 1,832
Golf Balls: 176,689
We also donated other golf equipment such as bags, nets, mats, shoes, tees, etc.
Monetary Values
NYSEA $75,197.00
Southern Tier & Previous Southwest District $35,842.00

When you add in volunteer hours and miles, the total is $222,078.00
Thank you to all for your support. Norman Biegaj, PDDGER